We come alongside parents and students grades 6-12 to disciple them and encourage them to live on mission through engaging in Bible study, worship, and mission projects.
fairhaven students
fairhaven students
We come alongside parents and students grades 6-12 to disciple them and encourage them to live on mission through engaging in Bible study, worship, and mission projects.
A Week in the fairhaven student ministry
We have multiple meetings throughout the week to engage students in the
study of God's word, worship, and fellowship.
We would love for you to join us at any of these meetings to study the
Word of God and grow in Christ with us!
Bible study at 9:15am
Our Sunday school teachers are:
6th-12th Grade Girls--Stephanie Hoggle and Susan Roy
6th-12th Grade Boys--Luke Roy and Tommy Tate
Small Group Bible Study at 6pm
Our Bible study teachers for Wednesday nights are:
6th-8th Grade Girls--Sierra Keen and Meggin Mayben
6th-8th Boys--Tyler Gresham and Noah Hay
9th-12th Girls--Heather Basinger and Jenna Gresham
9th-12th Boys--Seth Basinger and Taylor Fleming
Upcoming events & service opportunities
English as a Second Language Class
Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM beginning January 8th, 2025 at Fairhaven Baptist Church
in the Fireside Room
Any Fairhaven students who would like to help with childcare at ESL can let Tyler Gresham or Luke Roy know that they would like to serve! Students can obtain community service hours by helping out with ESL childcare as well.
The Net
Wednesdays at 3:15 PM beginning February 5th
Students who would like to help serve at The Net can let Tyler Gresham or Cindy Hay know that they would like to serve! Students can help with childcare, teach elementary students Bible stories, and help with recreation and snack.
DiscipleNow 2025
Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2025
Updates to come!
Medical Consent Information
We have a lot of different activities throughout the year for your students and to be certain that they are well taken care of in the case of an emergency we need a little bit of information from you as a parent/guardian in case a medical situation should happen. By clicking this link and completing our Medical Consent Form, our student pastor and the adults with him on these trips will have all the information necessary to help your student should they need it.